
Forecast Winding Check Hosel

Forecast Winding Check Hosel
Forecast Winding Check Hosel

Forecast Winding Check Hosel

Brand: Batson
Price: 0.00
  • Price Range: $1.61 -- $2.94

Product Details

ForeCast winding check hosels are seamless for any saltwater or freshwater application. Constructed from a combination of high strength UV resistant rubber and PVC, you can rest assured that Forecast winding check hosel will provide that extra custom look.

BH06 .323" ID, 0.635" OD

BH07 .437" ID, 0.660" OD

BH08 .500" ID, .0843" OD

BH09 .563" ID, 0.905" OD

BH10 .626" ID, 0.905" OD

BH11 .689" ID, 0.905" OD

BH12.5 .778" ID, 1.050" OD

BH14   .875" ID, 1.2" OD